
(re)freshing: Thrfting!

Now we realize this is an odd topic to pick, what with half the craft world being the most skilled thrifters we have ever seen, BUT we've seen a few posts as of late by people who are wary of thrifting.
To them,we say this: Thrifting. Is. MAGICAL.

Why,ask you?

Here are a few legit reasons:

1.It's a fantastic,practical way to re-use sometime! Why should that skirt you hate go to waste when we may very well be in love with it?
2. Financially great! While you can get things at big box store on clearance for about as cheap these days, it leads us to...
3. Ethically fair. We don't deny shopping at big box stores, but we all know the labor conditions of which those things are made is unspeakable. This is a practical way to stick it to the man.
4. Uniqueness! The ability to find a sweet vintage item is way,way higher. Additionally, EVERY STYLE COMES BACK,for better or for worse. Someone may well have gotten rid of the style sweater that was popular in 2000, but odds are it's back again before you know it.
5. The Hunt, or "thrifting roulette." Yes, we did just compare it to roulette,because you never know what you're gonna get! Somedays you'll fail,but other days you'll come home with armfuls! That alone makes it fun.
Here our a few of our recent finds...

White jersey skirt from Express for $3.29. Holla!

Isn't think fabulous? Betsy just loves it. So perfect for spring.

Another t-shirt weight cardi! Yay yay yay.

1 comment:

  1. Is that yellow-striped shirt from Old Navy (originally)? I'm wearing one just like it now, only in green!! I love it! (although the material it's made from is like a magnet to fuzzies...)


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